Xerox DocuPrint®
MICR Family
O v e r v i e w
DocuPrint MICR printing:
quality that pays
Xerox Quality Guarantees
All Xerox MICR laser printers are backed by the Xerox Check Performance Guarantee plus the unsur-
passed Xerox Total Satisfaction Guarantee. Xerox will assist you in resolving any bank-reported MICR
performance or reject rate problems. And, if you are not totally satisfied with your Xerox equipment,
Xerox will, at your request, replace it—it’s that simple!•
MICR Quality
Maintain signal strength
across all characters
Maintain uniformity from check
to check and under a range of
environmental conditions
Maintain image permanence
in high-speed readers/sorters
The Xerox
MICR Printing Checklist
Better business results
The wide range of capabilities offered by the Xerox MICR
laser printer family and the Xerox commitment to excel-
lence translate directly to better business results through
improved document quality. Whether you print high-
volume payroll applications, insurance disbursements,
or remittance coupons, a Xerox MICR solution affords
your business flexibility, reliability, and uncompromising
quality check after check.
To learn more about putting a Xerox MICR solution to
work in your organization, call your local Xerox repre-
sentative today or check out the Xerox MICR Web site
For more information on Xerox DocuPrint®
MICR, call 1-800 ASK XEROX or visit us
on the Web at:
Xerox Check Performance Guarantee
At Xerox, we are committed to providing the highest quality MICR solutions.
Taking this commitment one step further, we now offer the exclusive Check Performance Guarantee.
Xerox stands behind the perform-
ance of Xerox MICR laser print-
ers and Xerox benchmark MICR
toners. We will assist you in
The Xerox Check Performance
Guarantee applies to the DocuPrint
75 MX, DocuPrint 96 MX, 4635 MX,
DocuPrint 180 MX and DocuPrint
investigating and resolving bank-
reported MICR performance or
reject rate problems. In the event we
are unable to resolve the issues, we will
2000 Series MX printers in the United
States and Canada. These printers
must be acquired by you from Xerox
(including Xerox Authorized Value-Added
Resellers and Xerox Applications Specialists), operat-
ed following Xerox-approved procedures, using Xerox-
approved supplies, and continuously maintained by
Xerox under our manufacturer’s warranty or a Xerox
System Services Agreement. This guarantee is not
applicable to printers damaged due to no fault of Xerox.
reimburse you for fees you are required to pay to
your bank for excessive rejects of checks printed
after Xerox was notified of the problem, and where
it is verified by Xerox that Xerox MICR materials or
printer-related check defects are the cause of the
imposition of the fees.
We make this offer to clearly demonstrate that at Xerox
we are committed to providing the highest quality MICR solutions.
©2003 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. XEROX®, The Document Company®, the digital X®, and DocuPrint® are trademarks of or licensed to Xerox Corporation. Product appearance, build status and/or specifications are
subject to change without notice. The Xerox Total Satisfaction Guarantee applies to equipment under a Xerox warranty or a Full Service Maintenance Agreement and is subject to certain conditions. Adobe® and PostScript® are
registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. 06/03.
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