Zanussi Refrigerator ZT 51 2 R User Manual

ZT 51/2 R  
Important Safety Instructions  
These warnings are provided in the interests of your safety. Ensure that you understand them all  
before installing or using this appliance. Your safety is of paramount importance. If you are unsure  
about any of the meanings of these warnings contact the Customer Care Departement.  
Prior to Installation  
Check the appliance for transport damage. Under  
no circumstance should a damaged appliance be  
installed. In the event of damage please contact  
your retailer.  
Containers with flammable gases or liquids can  
leak at low temperatures. Do not store any con-  
tainers with flammable materials, such as spray  
cans, fire extinguisher refill cartridges etc. in the  
This appliance is heavy. Care should be taken  
Frozen food should not be refrozen once it has  
thawed out.  
Do not place carbonated or fizzy drinks in the  
when moving it.  
freezer compartment.  
It is dangerous to alter the specifications or  
Ice lollies can cause ‘frost/freezer burns’ if con-  
attempt to modify this product in any way.  
sumed straight from the  
star compartment.  
Ensure that the appliance does not stand on the  
electrical supply cable.  
Do not remove items from the freezer compart-  
ment if your hands are damp/wet, as this could  
cause skin abrasions or frost/freezer burns.  
Important: If the supply cable is damaged, it must  
be replaced by a special cord or assembly avail-  
able from the manufacturer or its service agent.  
Bottles and cans must not be placed in the freez-  
er compartment they can burst when the con-  
tents freeze.  
Any electrical work required to install this appli-  
ance should be carried out by a qualified electri-  
cian or competent person.  
Manufacturers’ recommended storage times  
should be adhered to. Refer to relevant instruc-  
Parts which heat up should not be exposed.  
Whenever possible, the back of the appliance  
should be close to a wall, but leaving the required  
distance for ventilation, as stated in the installation Maintenance and Cleaning  
Before cleaning, always switch off the appliance  
The appliance should be left for 2 hours after  
and disconnect from the electrical supply.  
installation before it is turned on, in order to allow  
When unplugging always pull the plug from the  
the refrigerant to settle.  
mains socket, do not pull on the cable.  
During transportation and installation of the appli-  
This product should be serviced by an authorised  
engineer and only genuine spare parts should be  
ance, be certain that none of the components of  
the refrigerant circuit become damaged.  
If the refrigerant circuit should become damaged:  
thoroughly ventilate the room in which the appli-  
ance is situated.  
Under no circumstances should you attempt to  
repair the appliance yourself. Repairs carried out  
by inexperienced persons may cause injury or  
serious malfunctioning. Contact your local  
Zanussi Service Force Centre.  
Child Safety  
Do not allow children to tamper with the controls  
or play with the product.  
At the end of the Appliance Life  
When disposing of your appliance use an autho-  
There is a risk of suffocation! Keep packaging  
material away from children!  
rised disposal site.  
During Use  
Remove the plug and ensure that any locks or  
catches are removed, to prevent young children  
being trapped inside.  
This appliance is designed for domestic use only,  
specifically for the storage of edible foodstuffs  
only. It is not intended for commercial or industrial  
Description of the Appliance  
A - Dairy compartment  
B - Can storage shelf with egg tray  
C - Bottle storage shelf  
D - Salad drawer  
G - Storage shelves  
H - Conveyor  
K - Freezer compartment  
L - Thermostat control  
E - Glass shelf  
Before use  
Frozen food storage  
Remove all securing tapes. Wash inside the appliance  
with lukewarm water and bicarbonate of soda  
(5 ml to 0.5 litre of water). Do not use soap or deter-  
gent as the smell may linger. Dry thoroughly.  
Storing ready-frozen foods is quite straightfor-  
ward. The packs can be placed beside each  
other or on top of each other.  
You are strongly advised to place ready-frozen  
food in the compartment as quickly as possible  
after purchase. Also ensure that the external  
packaging is intact.  
Packaging which is swollen or has traces of  
refrozen water droplets on the pack could indi-  
cate that the product has not been kept at a suit-  
able temperature and that it may have lost its  
original quality.  
Setting the temperature  
The temperature inside the refrigerator and the  
-star compartment is regulated by a thermostat  
with 6 temperature positions and one «OFF» (O) posi-  
Partially thawed food must not be refrozen, it  
must be consumed within 24 hours.  
Never exceed the storage times indicated.  
Position 1 = minimum coldness  
Position 6 = maximum coldness  
Turn the thermostat dial to the required position; the  
intermediate position is usually the most suitable  
The required thermostat setting can be varied as the  
temperature inside the refrigeration compartment  
depends on the following factors:  
Do not open the  
-star compartment door  
too often and do not leave open longer than nec-  
- room temperature  
In the event of a power cut the food in  
- how often the door is opened  
- how much food is stored  
- position of the appliance  
-star compartment will not be  
affected if the power cut is short and if  
the compartment is full. Do not open the  
door. Should the food begin to thaw, it  
must be consumed quickly and must not  
be refrozen.  
The temperature inside the refrigerator and  
-star compartment can be regulated by  
adjusting the conveyor located under the  
- star compartment.  
To obtain a lower temperature in the  
star compartment when frozen food is stored  
inside and when the ambient temperature is  
25°C or lower slightly raise the conveyor (A)  
and push it all the way in. When frozen food  
is not stored in the  
-star compartment  
and when the ambient temperature is higher  
than 25°C return the conveyor to its initial  
position. This reduces the temperature in the  
refrigerator compartment.  
-star compartment  
This compartment is suitable for the storage of com-  
mercially frozen food and for ice cube making.  
Fresh food refrigeration  
Food can be thawed in a number of ways, depend-  
ing on the type of food and the size of the packs.  
Meat, fish and fruit should be thawed in the refriger-  
ation compartment and small pieces of meat can  
even be cooked while still frozen, but you must  
ensure that it is thoroughly cooked through.  
Vegetables should be directly immersed in boiling  
water; ready-cooked dishes can be placed directly in  
the oven in their aluminium wrapping.  
A microwave oven is particularly suitable for thawing  
any type of frozen or deep-frozen food: follow the  
oven instructions, particularly regarding the place-  
ment of aluminium wrapping in the oven.  
To obtain the best performance, do not store  
warm food or evaporating liquids in the refrigera-  
tor; do cover or wrap the food, particularly if it  
has a strong flavour.  
Do not cover the shelves with any protective  
material, such as paper, cardboard or plastic,  
which may obstruct the air circulation through  
To help you use your refrigerator correctly, here  
are some more useful hints:  
Raw meat (beef, pork, lamb & wild fowl): wrap in  
polythene bags and place on the first shelf under  
-star compartment.  
Meat can only be stored safely in this way for  
one or two days at the most.  
Making ice cubes  
Fruit & vegetables: these should be thoroughly  
cleaned and placed in the bottom salad crisper.  
Butter & cheese: these should be placed in spe-  
cial airtight containers or wrapped in aluminium  
foil or polythene bags to exclude as much air as  
The appliance is provided with a plastic ice cube  
tray. Fill the tray 3/4 full to allow the ice to expand  
and place it in the  
-star compartment. To turn  
out the ice cubes simply give the tray a slight twist  
to release the cubes.  
Milk bottles: these should have a cap and should  
be stored in the bottle rack on the door.  
The walls of the refrigerator are equipped with  
runners so that shelves can be positioned as  
Do not consume ice-lollies which have just  
come out of the  
-star compartment.  
Their extremely low temperature can cause  
frost burns. Do not remove items from the  
-star compartment if your hands are  
damp/wet, as this could cause skin abra  
sions or "frost/freezer burns".  
Normal operating sounds  
You may hear faint gurgling or bubbling sounds  
when the refrigerant is pumped through the coils or  
tubing at the rear and the cooling evaporator.  
When the compressor is on, the refrigerant is being  
pumped round, and you will hear a whirring sound  
or pulsating noise from the compressor.  
A thermostat controls the compressor, and you will  
hear a faint ‘click’ when the thermostat cuts in and  
Health and Safety Guidelines  
Because of consumer demand, preservatives have been removed from many pre-prepared foods. This  
together with the changes in shopping habits to a once-a-week shop, mean that safe handling and  
storage of food is even more important than ever.  
The following tips should help you to ensure that  
the food in your home is in as perfect condition  
as possible.  
Keep the time between buying chilled food and  
placing it in your fridge as short as possible. Tests  
showed that the temperature of 1 litre of orange  
juice rose to 22°C in an hour between the super-  
market and home. It then took 11 hours to get  
down to 7°C in the refrigerator.  
Never allow spillages to dry and harden.  
Store eggs in the egg rack provided in the  
refrigerator door. Discard any broken or  
chipped eggs.  
Regularly check the refrigerator door seal to  
ensure that it is clean and free from debris.  
Keep the refrigerator door closed as much as pos-  
Always wash your hands with soapy water and  
dry them with a clean towel before handling  
Do not push food together too much, try to allow  
air to circulate around each item.  
Keep work surfaces clean and avoid cross  
contamination by not using the same work sur-  
face or knife, without washing them thoroughly  
in between.  
Cool cooked food as quickly as possible but do  
NOT place in the refrigerator until cool. (Leave  
food in a cool place in order that it can then be  
placed in the refrigerator as soon as possible).  
Do NOT mix raw and cooked meat, they must be  
in separate containers. Take care not to let the  
meat juices drip onto other food. If the meat does  
drip, remove everything and clean thoroughly.  
Do not store food uncovered.  
Remove suspect food from your refrigerator and  
clean (Refer to “Maintenance and cleaning”).  
While in operation the  
-star compartment  
becomes progressively covered with frost.  
This frost, which acts as an insulator and thus pre-  
vents the cold from reaching the food should be  
removed whenever the thickness of the frost  
exceeds 1/4".  
To carry out complete defrosting proceed as follows:  
1. Push the conveyor completely in.  
2. Place a tray on the upper shelf of the refrigerator  
under the drain hole of the conveyor.  
3. Remove any food from inside the  
-star com-  
partment, wrap it in several sheets of newspaper  
and store in a cool dry place.  
4. Push the button at the centre of the thermostat  
knob. To accelerate defrosting, place a bowl of  
hot water inside the compartment (with a piece of  
cardboard underneath the bowl as protection).  
5. When defrosting is completed, dry thoroughly and  
remove the water collected in the tray.  
The refrigerator starts operating automatically fol-  
lowing defrosting.  
After letting the appliance run for at least half an  
hour, replace the previously removed food into the  
-star compartment.  
When defrosting it is not necessary to remove the  
foods from the inner door and the refrigerator com-  
A temperature rise of the frozen food packs  
during defrosting may shorten their storage  
Never use sharp metal tools to scrape off  
frost from the evaporator as you could dam  
age it beyond repair.  
Maintenance and Cleaning  
Before any maintenance or cleaning work is carried  
out, DISCONNECT the appliance from the ELEC-  
TRICITY supply.  
When the appliance is not in use  
When the appliance is not in use for long periods,  
disconnect from the electricity supply, empty all  
foods and clean the appliance, leaving the door ajar  
to prevent unpleasant smells.  
Internal cleaning  
Clean the inside and accessories with warm water  
and bicarbonate of soda (5ml to 0.5 litre of water).  
Rinse and dry thoroughly.  
External cleaning  
Wash the outer cabinet with warm soapy water. Do  
NOT use abrasive products.  
Once or twice a year dust the condenser (black grill)  
and the compressor at the back of the appliance,  
with a brush or vacuum cleaner, see figure.  
You MUST ensure that the appliance is switched  
OFF. An accumulation of dust will affect the perfor-  
mance of the appliance and cause excessive elec-  
tricity consumption.  
Changing the light bulb  
Should the interior light fail to work, switch off and  
disconnect the appliance from the electricity supply.  
Replace the bulb as follows:  
1. Remove conveyor  
2. Unscrew light bulb  
3. Replace with a 12 watt bulb available from your  
nearest Zanussi Service Force Centre.  
4. Replace conveyor  
Something not Working?  
Important: If you call out an engineer to a fault listed below, or to repair a fault caused by incorrect use or  
installation a charge will be made, even if the appliance is under guarantee.  
Before contacting your local Service Force Centre check the following points.  
No power to appliance  
- Check there is power at the socket.  
- Check there is not a power cut by checking the  
household lights.  
- Check the fuse has not blown.  
The light does not come on  
- Ensure that the bulb is correctly fitted.  
- Replace the bulb if it has blown.  
- Check the door light switch is not jammed.  
The temperature in the fridge or freezer section is too - Check the thermostat in the fridge is turned to the  
correct setting relative to ambient conditions.  
- Check the ambient temperature is within the appliances  
operating limits of 10˚C to 32˚C.  
Relocate the appliance if necessary.  
The compressor runs continuously  
- Adjust the thermostat to give correct temperature  
control. See page 5.  
- Check that the door is closed.  
- Large quantities of food have recently been placed in  
the cabinet/and or door is frequently opened.  
- Check that air ventilation is not obstructed.  
- Ensure the door is not left open.  
Excessive frost and ice has built up  
- Check that nothing is preventing the door from closing.  
- Is the door gasket intact and clean.  
- Has advised periodic defrosting been carried out.  
- Refer to normal operating sounds.  
If after the above checks, there is still a fault, call your local Service Force Centre.  
In-guarantee customers should ensure that the above checks have been made as the engineer will make a  
charge if the fault is not a mechanical or electrical breakdown.  
Please note that proof of purchase is required for any in-guarantee service calls.  
Service and Spare Parts  
In the event of your appliance requiring service, or if  
you wish to purchase spare parts please contact  
your local Zanussi Service Force Centre by  
Before calling out an engineer, please ensure you  
have read the details under the heading ‘Something  
Not Working?’  
When you contact the Service Centre you will need  
to give the following details.  
1. Your name, address and post code  
2. Your telephone number  
08705 929929  
3. Clear and concise details of the fault  
Your call will be routed to the Service Force Centre  
covering your post code area. The address of your  
local Service Force Centre is detailed in the  
accompanying Customer Care Book.  
(found on the rating plate)  
4. The model serial no. of the appliance (found on  
the rating plate)  
5. The purchase date  
Customer Care Department  
For general enquiries concerning your Zanussi appliance or for further information on Zanussi products, you  
are invited to contact our Customer Care Department by letter or telephone as follows:  
Customer Care Department  
55-77 High Street  
SL1 1DZ  
Tel: 08705 727727  
Guarantee Conditions  
Standard guarantee conditions  
We, Zanussi Limited, undertake that if within 12 months of the date of purchase this Zanussi appliance or any  
part thereof is proved to be defective by reason only of faulty workmanship or materials, we will, at our option  
repair or replace the same FREE OF CHARGE for labour, materials or carriage on condition that:  
The appliance has been correctly installed and used only on the electricity supply stated on the rating plate.  
The appliance has been used for normal domestic purposes only, and in accordance with the manufactur-  
The appliance has not been serviced, maintained repaired, taken apart or tampered with by any person not  
authorised by us.  
All service work under this guarantee must be undertaken by a Zanussi Service Force Centre.  
Any appliance or defective part replaced shall become the Company's property.  
This guarantee is in addition to your statutory and other legal rights.  
Home visits are made between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Visits may be available outside these  
hours in which case a premium will be charged.  
This guarantee does not cover:  
Damage or calls resulting from transportation, improper use or neglect, the replacement of any light bulbs or  
removable parts of glass or plastic.  
Costs incurred for calls to put right an appliance which is improperly installed or calls to appliances outside  
the United Kingdom.  
Appliances found to be in use within a commercial environment, plus those which are subject to rental  
Products of Zanussi manufacture which are not marketed by Zanussi Limited.  
European Guarantee  
If you should move to another country within Europe then your guarantee moves with you to your new home  
subject to the following qualifications:  
The guarantee starts from the date you first purchased your product.  
The guarantee is for the same period and to the same extent for labour and parts as exists in the new  
country of use for this brand or range of products.  
This guarantee relates to you and cannot be transferred to another user.  
Your new home is within European Community (EC) or European Free Trade Area.  
The product is installed and used in accordance with our instructions and is only used domestically, i.e. a  
normal household.  
The product is installed taking into account regulations in your new country.  
Before you move please contact your nearest Customer Care centre, listed below, to give them details of your  
new home. They will then ensure that the local Service Organisation is aware of your move and able to look  
after you and your appliance.  
+33 (0) 44 62 29 99  
+49 (0) 911 323 2600  
+39 (0) 1678 47053  
+46 (0) 8 738 79 50  
+44 (0) 1753 219897  
Technical specifications  
220-240 V / 50 Hz  
90 W  
0,74 kWh  
Fridge/Freezer 140 l  
Fridge/Freezer 118 l  
For this appliance to work efficiently, it should be  
located away from heat sources, e.g. cookers, radia-  
tors, boilers, direct sunlight etc. This also includes  
locations or rooms where the ambient temperature  
reaches above 32 degrees C or drops below 10  
degrees (e.g. conservatories).  
You should also ensure that air can circulate freely  
around the back and the top of the cabinet. There  
must also be a minimum distance beween the top of  
the cabinet and any overhanging kitchen furniture as  
shown in the figure.  
Do not obstruct the space underneath. The back of  
the cabinet may be placed close to the wall but must  
not touch it. DO NOT install in places with restricted  
Adjust the level of the appliance by screwing out the  
adjustable foot, or feet, at the bottom of the cabinet  
using your fingers.  
Door reversal  
Before carrying out the operations described below,  
pull out the mains plug from the wall socket.  
To carry out this reversal go through the following  
1. Gently lay the appliance on its back with the top  
held away from the floor by 5-8 cm (2-3 inches) of  
2. Remove the bottom door hinge (5).  
3. Remove the door (4) by opening it and pulling it  
gently downwards to remove it from the top hinge  
pin (2).  
4. Unscrew the top hinge pin (2) from the top hinge  
(1) and replace it in the opposite hole on the left  
hand side.  
5. Unscrew the foot at the base (6) of the appliance  
and refit it on the opposite side.  
6. Refit the door and the bottom hinge to the left hand  
When the bottom hinge is screwed in, a certain  
amount of force is exerted on the screws.  
It is therefore advisable to lubricate the screw tips  
before starting this operation.  
After completion of the door reversal opera-  
tion, verify that the door gasket is sealing  
onto the cabinet.  
If the ambient temperature is cold (i.e. in  
Winter), the gasket may not fit perfectly to the  
cabinet. In that case, wait for the natural fit-  
ting of the gasket or accelerate this process  
by heating up the part involved with a normal  
hairdrier on a low setting.  
Electrical Connection  
This appliance complies with the E.E.C.  
Directive No. 87/308 of 2.6.87 relative to radio  
interference suppression.  
The manufacturer declines any inability  
should this safety measure not be  
This appliance complies with the following  
E.E.C. Directive:  
- 73/23 EEC of 19.2.73 (Low Voltage Directive)  
and subsequent amendments.  
If the plug that is fitted to your appliance is not suit-  
able for your socket outlet, it must be cut off and the  
appropriate plug fitted.  
- 89/336 EEC of 3.5.89 (Electromagnetic  
- Compatibility Directive) and subsequent  
Remove the fuse from the cut off plug.  
The cut off plug should then be disposed of to pre-  
vent the hazard of shocks in case it should be  
plugged into a 13amp socket in another part of your  
Please ensure that when the appliance is  
installed it is easily accessible for the engineer  
in the event of breakdown.  
The wires in the mains lead are coloured in  
accordance with the following code:  
Green and Yellow  
- Earth  
- Neutral  
- Live  
If you fit your own plug, the colours of the wires in  
the mains lead of your appliance, may not corre-  
spond with the markings identifying the terminals in  
your plug, proceed as follows:  
Connect the Green and the Yellow (earth) wire to the  
terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter  
13 AMP. FUSE  
«E» or the earth symbol  
, or coloured green and  
Connect the blue (neutral) wire to the terminal in the  
plug which is marked with the letter «N» or coloured  
Connect the brown (live) wire to the terminal in the  
plug which is marked with the letter «L» or coloured  
The plug moulded onto the lead incorporates a fuse.  
For replacement, use a 13amp BS1362 fuse. Only  
ASTA or BSI approved fuses should be used.  
The plug must not be used if the fuse cover/carrier is  
lost. The cover/carrier is indicated by the coloured  
insert at the base of the plug.  
A replacement cover/carrier must be obtained from  
your local Zanussi Service Force Centre whose  
address is listed in the Customer Care Booklet  
which accompanies your instruction manual.  

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