800 WATT
13016 N. Walton Blvd.
Bentonville, AR 72712
TEL (479) 273-6012 FAX (479) 273-2927
1201 N. Dixieland Rd.
Rogers, AR 72756
Consumer Relations Tel (800) 531-0004
Email: info@whistlergroup.com
P/N 205563
© 2004 The Whistler Group, Inc.
A Word About WHISTLER Inverters.
Features Summary......................................................................3
Important Information................................................................4
Whistler inverters convert low voltage, direct current (DC)
to 110 volt alternating household current (AC). The AC
output is called “modified sine wave”. See “Technical
Operating Principles” section for more information.
Depending on the model and its rated capacity, Whistler
inverters draw power either from standard 12 volt automo-
bile and marine batteries or from portable high power 12
volt sources.
Inverter Basics .......................................................................5 - 7
• Getting Started
• Don’t Push It
Operation ............................................................................8 - 12
• Making the Connection
• Tips
• Recharging Equipment
• Changing the Fuse
• Power Source
T 1
Additional & Safety Features...........................................13 - 14
• Auto Shut Down
• Thermal Cut Off
• Low Battery Protection
Care & Maintenance ................................................................15
Technical Operating Principles........................................16 - 17
Operation Summary .........................................................18 - 19
Troubleshooting................................................................20 - 22
Warranty Information........................................................24 - 26
1. AC Output Sockets
2. On/Off Switch
3. Power LED
4. Overload/Low Battery LED
5. Open Fuse LED
6. Power Cords
Important Information About Your New Whistler
This manual will provide you with directions for the safe
and efficient operation of your Whistler Inverter. Read the
manual carefully before using your new Whistler inverter
and keep the manual on file for future reference.
Getting Started
Power equipment and appliances which operate with motors
or tubes require an initial surge of power to get them up and
running. This power surge is referred to as the "starting load"
or "peak load." (By comparison, electrical devices such as
standard light bulbs do not require a large starting load).
Once the equipment or appliance has been powered up, it
settles down to a slower pace and requires far less electrical
power to operate. This lower power requirement is referred
to as the "continuous load."
Your Whistler inverter is designed to operate from a 12 volt
power source only. Never attempt to connect your
Whistler inverter to any other power source, including any
AC power source.
In order to ensure that the capacity of your Whistler inverter
is sufficient to meet the required start up load, you must first
determine the power consumption of the equipment or
appliance you plan to operate.
The length of the supplied cables is matched for the
current needed by the inverter. Making this cable
longer will make the inverter less efficient and may
cause the cables to heat up.
Power consumption is rated either in wattage or in amperes,
and information regarding the required "watts" or "amps"
generally is stamped or printed on most appliances and
equipment. If this information is not indicated on the appli-
ance or equipment, check the owner’s manual. Contact the
appliance or equipment manufacturer to determine if
the device you are using (TV’s, battery re-charger, com-
puter, etc.) is compatible with a modified sine wave.
Do not attempt to lengthen the supplied power
110 volts can be lethal. Improper use of your Whistler
inverter may result in property damage, personal
injury or loss of life.
Not reccommended for use with medical equip-
ment. Check with the appliance manufacturer for
compatibility with modified sine wave inverters.
Some appliances may not work well, not at all or be
damaged. For more information on compatibility issues,
If the power consumption is rated in amps, multiply the num-
ber of amps by 110 (AC voltage) to determine the compara-
ble wattage rating. Induction motors, as well as some televi-
sions, may require 2 to 6 times their wattage rating to start up.
For further information on the fundamental operating prin-
ciples of Whistler inverters and related technical data, see
"Technical Operating Principles."
Don’t Push It.
If a piece of equipment or an appliance will not operate, first
confirm that the inverter has been properly connected to
the 12 volt power source (See "Making The Connection"). If
all connections have been properly made, turn the inverter
rocker switch ON (l), OFF (O) and ON (l) again in quick suc-
cession. If this procedure is unsuccessful, it is likely that the
inverter does not have the required start up capacity to
operate the equipment or appliance in question.
Although your Whistler inverter has the capacity to provide
power output (excess current) equal to approximately two
times its rated wattage capacity for a very brief period, it is
designed to operate equipment and appliances with start
up load wattage ratings no higher than its own maximum
continuous wattage rating.
For example, the 800 model has a maximum continuous rat-
ing of 800 watts. Although this model has the capacity to
briefly provide up to 1600 watts of power (that is, excess cur-
rent), it is designed to operate equipment and appliances
with start up load requirements of 800 watts or less.
Most heat generating appliances require start up
loads in excess of 1000 watts and the inverter will not
operate such appliances as coffee makers, irons, hair
dryers or heaters.
Consequently, if the start up load rating of your equipment
or appliance is the same or approximately the same as the
maximum continuous rating of the inverter, the inverter will
attempt to start loads above the continuous rating for up to
10 seconds.
To determine whether your inverter will operate a particular
piece of equipment or appliance, run a test. The inverter is
designed to shut down automatically in the event of a
power overload. Testing appliances and equipment with
start up load ratings comparable to your inverter wattage
rating will not damage it.
Making the Connection.
This inverter is designed to connect to your 12 volt battery
by the supplied #8 gauge cables.
Loose connections can result in a severe decrease in
voltage which may cause damage to the wires and
Failure to make proper connection between the
inverter and the power source will result in reverse
polarity. Reverse polarity will blow the internal fuses in
the inverter and may cause permanent damage to the
inverter. Damage caused by reverse polarity is not
covered under the Whistler warranty.
1. Make certain that the inverter’s rocker switch is in the
OFF (O) position.
2. Connect the cables to the power input terminals at
the rear of the inverter and tighten the screws to make
a secure connection. Do not use tools to tighten
these screws.
3. Connect the cable from the (BLACK) Negative (-) ter-
minal on the inverter to the Negative (-) terminal on
the 12 volt power source. Make certain the connec-
tion is secure.
4. Confirm that the cable you have just installed is prop-
erly connected. Specifically, make certain that the
cable is connected to the Negative (-) terminals on
both the inverter and the 12 volt power source.
5. Connect the cable from the (RED) Positive (+) terminal
on the inverter to the Positive (+) terminal on the
power source.
Making the connection between the Positive (+) ter-
minals may cause a spark as a result of current flowing
to the capacitors in the inverter. This is a normal
occurrence. Due to the potential for sparking, how-
ever, it is extremely important that both the inverter
and the 12 volt battery be well removed from any pos-
sible source of flammable fumes or gases.
Failure to heed this warning could result in fire or
If the supplied cables are too short to allow for place-
ment of the inverter in a desired location, the inverter
may be connected to the power source using a #4
wire, up to 12’ - #2 wire for longer lengths. The steps
outlined for making the connection and the related
safety precautions remain unchanged.
6. Turn the inverter rocker switch to the ON (I) position.
The LED Indicator Light should glow GREEN confirm-
ing that there is power running to the inverter.
7. Turn the inverter rocker switch to the OFF (O) position.
(The GREEN LED Power Indicator light may “blink”
briefly and/or the internal audible alarm may make a
momentary “chirp”. This is normal).
8. Confirm that the equipment or appliance to be oper-
ated is turned off. Plug the equipment or appliance
into one of the three AC receptacles on the front
panel of the the inverter.
Important Information on Battery Chargers
Using your inverter to recharge units designed to charge such
portable equipment as power tools, flashlights, video cameras
and laptop computers may cause damage to the inverter
or the charging unit. Check with the appliance manufacturer
for compatibility with sine wave inverters if you’re unsure.
Although we advise against it, if you attempt to recharge a
charging unit, monitor the temperature of the charging unit
for approximately 10 minutes. If the charging unit becomes
unusually warm, disconnect it from the inverter immediately.
9. Turn the inverter to the ON (I) position. Turn on the
equipment or appliance.
As indicated in Step 7 above, the audible alarm may
make a momentary “chirp” when the inverter is
turned OFF (O). The same alarm may also sound
when the inverter is being connected to or discon-
nected from the 12 volt power source. Again, this is
Don’t Blow A Fuse.
This inverter is equipped with three 35 amp spade type fuses.
With reasonable care, it should not be necessary to replace
the fuse(s) in your inverter. We have included an “open fuse”
monitor on the DC panel.
The use of an extension cord from the inverter to the
appliance or equipment being operated will not sig-
nificantly decrease the power being generated by the
inverter. For best operating results, the extension
cord should be no more than 50 feet long.
Check frequently to ensure that the input and output
connections are secure. Loose connections may dam-
age the inverter, the power source, or may generate
excessive heat.
Most blown fuses are the result of reverse polarity or a short
circuit within the appliance or equipment being operated. If
the fuse(s) does blow, turn off and disconnect the appliance
or equipment from the inverter immediately, repair the
related problem and replace the fuse(s). The internal fuses
are replaceable, however, only an electronically knowledge-
able person should attempt fuse replacement.
Automatic Shut Down & Related Safety Features.
Make certain to correct the source of the overload
which caused the blown fuse before turning your
inverter back ON (l).
Each Whistler inverter model has an unique LED Indicator
warning light system which operates in conjunction with
the automatic shut down feature. These indicator lights
operate as follows:
The Power Source.
System ready.
When the engine is off, most batteries will provide ample power
supply to the inverter for one to two hours. The actual length
of time is a function of several variables including the age and
condition of the battery and the power demand being placed
on it by the equipment being operated with the inverter.
System overload/automatic shut down.
YELLOW LED: Open fuse.
Your inverter will shut down automatically when any of the
following problems occur:
If you are using the inverter while the engine is off, we
recommend you start the engine every hour and let it run for at
least 10 minutes to recharge the battery. We also recommend
that the device plugged into the inverter be turned off before
turning over the engine.
1. The power input from the battery drops below
9.5 volts.
2. The power input from the battery exceeds 16 volts.
3. The continuous draw of the appliance or equipment
being operated exceeds the design parameters of the
Although it is not necessary to disconnect the inverter when turn-
ing over the engine, the inverter may momentarily cease opera-
tion as the battery voltage decreases. When the inverter is not
supplying power, and turned on, it draws very low <0.40 A ).
The inverter is equipped with the following additional safety
1. Thermal Cut Off:
Automatic shut down if internal temperature exceeds
safe design parameters.
To maintain your inverter in proper working condition, note
the following important safety precautions:
2. Low Battery Voltage Alarm/Shutdown Protection
a) When the input voltage from the 12 volt power source
drops below 10.5 volts, an audible tone will be heard.
This is the low battery voltage alarm.
MOISTURE. Keep the inverter dry. Do not expose it
to moisture. Do not operate the inverter if you, the
inverter, the device being operated or any other sur-
faces that may come in contact with any power
sources are wet. Water and many other liquids can
conduct electricity which may lead to serious injury or
b) The inverter will automatically shut down when the
input voltage drops below 9.5 volts. This protects the
battery from completely draining.
In the event of automatic shut down or continuous audible
alarm, turn the inverter rocker switch to the OFF (O) position
until the source of the related problem has been identified
and resolved.
HEAT. For peak efficiency, the ambient air tempera-
ture should be between 50° and 80° F. Avoid placing
the inverter on or near heating vents, radiators or
other sources of heat. Do not place the inverter in
direct sunlight.
Wall Mounting:
Whistler inverters have provisions for wall mounting;
slotted holes allow for easy wall mounting of the unit.
VENTILATION. In order to disperse the heat generat-
ed while the inverter is in operation, keep it well venti-
lated. While in use, maintain several inches of clear-
ance around the top and sides of the inverter.
Some Powerful Advice.
Your Whistler inverter will work best when placed on a rea-
sonably flat surface. The floor or seat of your car or truck both
are good locations.
FUMES & GASES. Avoid using the inverter near
flammable materials. Do not place the inverter in
areas such as battery compartments, where fumes or
gases may accumulate.
When driving with the inverter in operation, make certain that
neither the inverter nor the power cords will impede safe
operation of your vehicle. Keep the unit and all cords clear of
the steering wheel, gas, brake and clutch pedals and gear
In Review.
Never attempt to operate your Whistler inverter from
any power source other than a 12 volt battery or series
of batteries that total 12 volts.
For You Technical Types.
assume that the measured waveform will be a pure sine
1. Basic Operating Principles:
Consequently, these meters will not read the RMS modified
sine wave voltage correctly and, when measuring your
Whistler inverter output, the meters will read about 20 to 30
volts too low. To accurately measure the output voltage of
your inverter, use a true RMS reading voltmeter such as a
Fluke 87, Fluke 8060A, Beckman 4410, Triplett 4200 or any
multimeter identified as "True RMS."
Whistler inverters work in two stages. During the first stage,
the DC to DC converter increases the DC input voltage from
the power source (e.g. a 12 volt battery) to 145 volts DC. In
the second stage, the high voltage DC is converted to 110
volts (60 Hz AC) using advanced power MOSFET transistors
in a full bridge configuration. The result is excellent overload
capability and the capacity to operate difficult reactive loads.
The output waveform resulting from these conversions is a
"quasi-sine wave" or a "modified sine wave" as shown below
For more information on inverters see our Inverter FAQ
This stepped waveform is similar to the power generated by
utilities and has a broad range of applications.
The modified sine wave produced by
your Whistler Inverter
A true sine wave typical of home AC outlet.
The modified sine wave produced by your Whistler inverter
has a root mean square (RMS) voltage of 110 volts. The
majority of AC voltmeters are calibrated for RMS voltage and
Use only fuses which conform with the design specifica-
tions outlined in this manual.
This inverter is designed to be connected to the power
source with the supplied cables or with #4 wire up to
12’ - #2 wire for longer length. When utilizing the sup-
plied cables do not attempt to modify or lengthen
When operating the inverter with the engine off, start the
engine every hour and let it run for at least 10 minutes to
recharge the battery.
Always make certain that the power cable terminal con-
nections run Negative (-) to Negative (-) and Positive (+)
to Positive (+). Check these connections frequently to
ensure that they are secure.
In the event of automatic shut down, turn the inverter OFF
(O) immediately. Do not restart the inverter until the
source of the problem has been identified and corrected.
To avoid battery drain always disconnect the inverter
when not in use.
Make certain the rated power consumption of the appli-
ance or equipment you wish to operate is compatible with
the capacity of your inverter.
Do not expose the inverter to moisture.
If the rated power consumption of the equipment is in the
range of the maximum specified wattage of your convert-
er, test the inverter to ensure that it will operate properly.
Avoid placing the inverter near sources of heat or in
direct sunlight.
When in use, make certain that the inverter is properly
This inverter is not designed to operate heat generating
appliances such as coffee makers, irons, hair dryers,
toasters and heaters.
Do not use the inverter near flammable materials,
fumes, or gases.
Before attempting to use a battery charger see page 11.
Before attempting to use medical equipment see page 4.
Always operate the inverter in accordance with the
instructions in this manual. Failure to do so may result
in property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
PROBLEM: TV Interference
PROBLEM: Low Battery Alarm On All The Time
Input voltage below
10.5 volts.
Keep input voltage above
10.5 volts to maintain
Electrical interference from
Add a Ferrite data line filter
on to the TV power cord.
This filter is available at
Radio Shack,
Poor or weak battery
Replace battery.
part number 273-105.
Inadequate power being
delivered to the inverter
or excessive voltage drop.
Use lower gauge wire.
PROBLEM: Low or No Output Voltage
Red LED On
Equipment has a high
start up surge.
Using incorrect type of
voltmeter to test output
Use true RMS reading
See "For You Technical
Section of this manual.
Turn inverter power switch
OFF (O) and then ON (l)
again until the inverter
powers your appliance.
Repeat as necessary
to get your appliance
Battery voltage below
10 volts.
Recharge or replace
Equipment being operated Use a higher capacity
draws too much power.
inverter or do not use this
Inverter is too hot (thermal
shutdown mode).
Allow inverter to cool.
Check for adequate
ventilation. Reduce the
load on the inverter to
rated continuous power
Maximum Continuous Power .....................800 Watts
Maximum Surge Capability (Peak Power)1600 Watts
No Load Current Draw....................................<0.40 A
Waveform ....................................Modified Sine Wave
Operating Input Voltage Range .....9.5 – 16 Volts DC
AC Receptacle ....................................... Dual 3 Prong
Fuses.................Three 35 Amp (Spade Type Internal)
Approximate Dimensions..............11" L x 6" W x 3" H
Approximate Weight ............................................4 lbs
Bad Fuse
Have a qualified person
replace the fuse.
PROBLEM: TV Does Not Work
TV does not turn on
Try rocking the ON/OFF
switch of the inverter while
leaving the TV ON
(see page 7).
Contact TV manufacturer
for start-up surge and/or to
find out if TV is compatible
with a modified sine wave.
A larger inverter may be
Consumer Warranty
IMPORTANT: Whistler will not assume responsibility for loss
or damage incurred in shipping. Therefore, please ship your
inverter insured with return receipt requested.
This Whistler inverter is warrantied to the original purchaser
for a period of two years, from the date of original purchase,
against all defects in materials and workmanship. This limit-
ed warranty is void if the unit is abused, modified,
installed improperly, had its housing removed, or has a
missing serial number. There are no express warranties cov-
ering this product other than those set forth in this warranty.
All express or implied warranties for this product are limited
to two years. Whistler is not liable for damages arising from
the use, misuse, or operation of this product.
2. Include with your unit the following information, clearly printed:
• Your name and street address (for shipping via UPS),
a daytime telephone number, (No P.O. Box please) and email
address (if applicable).
• A detailed description of the problem, i.e. Unit powers up but
no AC output.
• A copy of your dated store receipt or bill of sale.
Service Under Warranty
During the warranty period, defective units will be repaired
or replaced (with the same or a comparable model), at
Whistler’s option, without charge to the purchaser when
returned with a dated store receipt to the address below.
Inverters returned without a dated store receipt will be han-
dled as described in section “Service Out Of Warranty.”
3. Be certain your inverter is returned with its serial number. For
reference, please write your unit’s serial number in the following
space: s/n __________________.
Inverters without serial numbers are not covered under warranty.
IMPORTANT: To validate that your inverter is within the warran-
ty period, make sure you keep a copy of your dated store receipt!
however, for warranty verification purposes, a copy of your dated
store receipt must accompany any unit sent in for warranty work.
When returning a unit for service under warranty, please fol-
low these instructions:
1. Ship the inverter in the original carton or in a suitable
sturdy equivalent, fully insured, with return receipt
requested, and shipping charges prepaid to:
Whistler Repair Dept.
1201 North Dixieland Road
Rogers, AR. 72756
Please allow 3 weeks for return.
Service Out Of Warranty
Inverters will be repaired at “out of warranty” service rates
• The unit’s original warranty has expired.
• Dated store receipt is not supplied.
• The unit has been returned without its serial number.
• The unit has been abused, modified, installed
improperly, or had its housing removed.
The out of warranty service fee for your 800 watt Whistler
inverter is $50.00 (U.S.). If you require out of warranty serv-
ice, please return your inverter as outlined in the section
“Service Under Warranty” along with a certified check or
money order for the correct amount. Payment may also be
made by MasterCard, VISA or American Express;
personal checks are not accepted. In the event repairs
cannot be covered by the service fee, you will be contact-
ed by a Whistler technical service specialist who will out-
line options available to you. If you elect not to have your
inverter repaired/replaced, it will be returned to you along
with your certified check or money order.
IMPORTANT: When returning your inverter for service, be
certain to include a daytime telephone number and email
address (if applicable).
Customer Service
If you have questions concerning the operation of your
Whistler inverter, or require service during or after the
warranty period, please call Customer Service at
1-800-531-0004. Representatives are available to answer your
questions Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CT).
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